Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Senate Finance Committe approves Health Care Bill


Are you serious? We are closer and closer to passing this disaster of a bill! What a sham! People need to wake up and get real. We are doing this for the right reasons but the wrong way! We haven't looked at the other options available out there.

TOP #5 ways to change the health care system.

1. Tort Reform
-Limit all law suits for malpractice and medical negligence to $200,000. This alone will save us nearly 20% per year.

2. Interstate Competition
-Why can I only chose from 5 to 10 insurance companies in California, but the whole of the US has nearly 1,300 insurance companies. Why? Allow competition now!

3. Tax Write Offs
-I just found out that the $6,000 in health care cost's that I accrued over this past year that I cannot write off on my taxes. Why not? Why aren't medical expenses a %100 write off? If medical bankruptcy accounts for approximately 40% of the fillings per year, maybe we should be able to get tax credits first?

4. Doctor Write Offs
-If a Doctor provides services to poor people, let him write off his time and services on his taxes.

5. Stronger Controls of Health Care Insurance Companies
-If a patient is get's sick, a health care company can't just cancel you. We need stronger and tighter controls here. If I pay for years of insurance, and I get sick, I don't want to be dumped for a "technical" glitch in my paper work.

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