Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Senate Finance Committe approves Health Care Bill


Are you serious? We are closer and closer to passing this disaster of a bill! What a sham! People need to wake up and get real. We are doing this for the right reasons but the wrong way! We haven't looked at the other options available out there.

TOP #5 ways to change the health care system.

1. Tort Reform
-Limit all law suits for malpractice and medical negligence to $200,000. This alone will save us nearly 20% per year.

2. Interstate Competition
-Why can I only chose from 5 to 10 insurance companies in California, but the whole of the US has nearly 1,300 insurance companies. Why? Allow competition now!

3. Tax Write Offs
-I just found out that the $6,000 in health care cost's that I accrued over this past year that I cannot write off on my taxes. Why not? Why aren't medical expenses a %100 write off? If medical bankruptcy accounts for approximately 40% of the fillings per year, maybe we should be able to get tax credits first?

4. Doctor Write Offs
-If a Doctor provides services to poor people, let him write off his time and services on his taxes.

5. Stronger Controls of Health Care Insurance Companies
-If a patient is get's sick, a health care company can't just cancel you. We need stronger and tighter controls here. If I pay for years of insurance, and I get sick, I don't want to be dumped for a "technical" glitch in my paper work.

Stock trading for only $4.95? Get out.

Ever wanted to trade stocks? Buy and sell on a daily basis and trade like there was no tomorrow? Well now you can. With TradeKing. Trade King gives you the option of buying and selling for only $4.95 per trade. Doesn't sound bad does it?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Marijuana soon to be legal?

Yup, it's very possible. The green plant that get's you high as a kite may soon be legal in the great state of California. Three new bills have been introduced that will legalize that use of marijuana for adults over the age of 21. How will it work with federal law? I have no idea, but I do know that the feds will have a field day with this situation. I can't wait to see the first supreme court case for a marijuana arrest by the DEA, once California makes this plant legal. It would be a battle for the ages. Wouldn't it?

I mean, so many other countries have decriminalized the use of small amounts of pot, and now California is following suit. (Am I even using that word in the right context? Eh who gives a damn.

What do you think on this case? Tell me below, write me some comments so I can read them and respond to them!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama wins the nobel peace prize.

Why? After less than 1 year in office, President Obama gets the peace prize? Why did he get it? Is there a reason for it? As far as I see, you have to actually do something that earns you the peace prize. Let's take a look at all that Obama has done to deserve the Peace Prize..... Ummm nope, I see nothing. Oh I see now, he got the prize because of his "visions" so what? Everyone is Miss America wishes peace on earth, yet none of them have so far received the Nobel peace prize.

Speaking of which, I got a lot of visions for world peace, yet I haven't been awarded the prize. In fact Obama promised the end of the war in Iraq, yet 9 months after his presidency we are seeing more and more soldiers being sent to the middle east. Give me a break people.

Who the fuck is part of this Nobel Peace Prize commission and who's sucking their dick?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Writing without typing. Is it possible?

Yup. You want to learn to type at 200 Words Per Minute (WPM)? The faster typist in the world probably can't go faster than 110 WPM and that is fucking fast. That's fucking fast right? Well how can I type faster that the devil himself? Well there is one answer to that. Dictation Software. I recently bought, installed and set up a program called Dragon Naturally Speaking V10. All I have to say is this program rocks! I can type at incredible speeds, with little errors to show for it. I have better accuracy with this program then anything else. Yup, I can type at 200 WPM without ever touching the keyboard.

This is great, I love Nuance! (They are the software company that made Dragon Naturally Speaking). I'm eagerly waiting for the iPhone version, and I hope it works just as well as the PC version.

P.S. I wrote this whole blog post using Dragon Naturally Speaking in less than 1 minute. And I'm sure many more blog posts from now on too.

P.P.S This blog post is... 186 words and I made 3 mistakes.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to make money with google...

How do you make some cash with Google $$?? How do you make money with Google? Are the sites that promise to make you rich with Google real? Yeah sort of. While those websites will give you the important information, they wont give you anything that can't be found with a little bit of research. How do you do it? Simple. Do you have a website? Or a blog? That's all you need. Then head on over to Adsense and sign up. That's it. No more tricks or tips. You just paste the web code into your website/blog and wait.

What happens is that every person that clicks on an add, that will generate some cash for you. The down side is that you can't click your own ads. The moment that happens, Google will cancel your adsense account.

What is MTURK?

Before you ask what is it, check out the site: MTURK

MTURK, stands for Mechanical Turk, it's from Amazon. What is it? Well it's outsourced work. That's what it is. You post a job that you want done, and people will do it for you based on the fee you posted. I've done a couple of jobs and let me tell you, don't quit your day job. You can't expect to earn much money from this. Really you can't. The most expensive job I did was to write a review for a video. The pay? $.75. The amount of work I put in? 10 minutes. That's effectively less then the federal minimum wage. But hey, who cares really?

It's not like I use it to make an actual earning. And it's not like I have anything else to do right now. Not a bad site really. I might use it for transcription later on. Might is the keyword.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pulse and Glide...

***Don't try this at home. This is only experimental. You may cause an accident or traffic problems. ***(Geez, I don't even know why I have to post caution, I think i'll get sued by idiots with no brains)***

Increase MPG on any car now! (I guarantee it)

Want to increase your MPG on pretty much any car? I'll tell you how. But first my story.

I drive a 2008 Mazda 3. I get approximately 24 MPG. Anything I have tried, the MPG has not budged a bit. Since, I started using the ?pulse and glide? technique I'm getting 30 MPG in the city and 37-40 MPG on the freeway. But how?

Simple, let's start with the basics first and then I'll talk technique.

When you drive, close all windows. A/C is better for MPG then open windows.
Accelerate slowly, and brake less often. Lead foot driving really screws with your MPG.


What is it? Simple!

If the speed limit is 65 MPH, you slowly accelerate your car to approxiamtely 75 MPH, then put your car in neutral and let your car glide down to 55 MPH. Once you get to 55 MPH, put your car in Drive and slow accelerate to 75 MPH again. Once you reach 75 MPH, put your car back in Neutral. That's it.

You then get more sophisticated, if you have hilly roads, time your acceleration so you will slowly accelerate to about 10 MPH above the speed limit and put your car in Neutral as your going down and let your car glide to 10 MPH below the speed limit.

Time it for Hills, off ramps and traffic. If traffic ahead of you is slowing down, put your car in neutral and coast down without hitting the breaks often.

This all sounds crazy until you try it for yourself. I didn't believe it either, but I tried it on my Mazda which gets 24 MPG average and I get approximately 37 MPG on HILLY, CURVY roads. On straight roads I get 40 MPG.

If you have a hybrid, this technique will make your MPG DOUBLE.

Gold... is it better than the dollar?

Tell me what you think, I'm seriously thinking about buying up gold as an investment and holding it for a while. Why? Have you seen the recent article posted on www.Drudge.com?

Click HERE to read the Dollar Conspiracy.

Everyone who reads my blog, has to read the above article. People wake up! The dollar is crashing, the American economy is going to hell in a hand basket strapped to ski's. Many countries around the world want to dump the American Dollar and use Gold and other form of currencies to trade and do business. What do you think that will do to the US Dollar? Our money will become worthless day by day and pretty soon it will be cheaper to use a $100 bill for toilet paper instead of actual toilet paper.

Free health care for all... really?

Do we really want universal health care for all right now? Is it worth it? Better question would be, can we afford it right now? As of this post, our national US deficit for 2010 is going to be $3.6 Trillion dollars. The debt as of right now is at $1.75 Trillion. That sounds like a very big number huh? Well you divide the $1.75 Trillion by 300 Million Americans and you see that every American owes approximately $5,833.33. That number is estimated to double next year if President Obama doesn't trim spending. So if we take those numbers into account and look further at Universal Health Care, which is estimated to cost us around $800 Billion conservatively, do we have a right to make more welfare programs and expand the power of our government?

Do we really? Our government got us into this mess, and now they claim that the free market screwed up. They claim the only way to fix the problem with health care is to pass this large bill. But does that make any sense people? Does it really? How can the government who cannot control its spending, is going to control the costs of the health care program? Who are we chumps? Are the American people idiots? No, were not. Only our politicians think that we are idiots and that we need to be taken care of.

First Post...

Hello everyone, welcome to the first post. Hopefully I can make a connection with everyone here over the next year and share some of my ideas and thoughts with everyone. Everyone has the right to ask questions, and I will try to regularly answer them.