Sunday, May 6, 2018


Did you know, if your name is Yaroslav, that your key lime pie fights obesity?  Also, Hydrogen Peroxide and Zveraboy make you gay.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Just joined twitter. Anyone interested in following me, @22350. Haven't updated this blog in a long time, I simply forgot about it. Hopefully I can start doing it full time. More updates coming soon. Many updates too.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Senate Finance Committe approves Health Care Bill


Are you serious? We are closer and closer to passing this disaster of a bill! What a sham! People need to wake up and get real. We are doing this for the right reasons but the wrong way! We haven't looked at the other options available out there.

TOP #5 ways to change the health care system.

1. Tort Reform
-Limit all law suits for malpractice and medical negligence to $200,000. This alone will save us nearly 20% per year.

2. Interstate Competition
-Why can I only chose from 5 to 10 insurance companies in California, but the whole of the US has nearly 1,300 insurance companies. Why? Allow competition now!

3. Tax Write Offs
-I just found out that the $6,000 in health care cost's that I accrued over this past year that I cannot write off on my taxes. Why not? Why aren't medical expenses a %100 write off? If medical bankruptcy accounts for approximately 40% of the fillings per year, maybe we should be able to get tax credits first?

4. Doctor Write Offs
-If a Doctor provides services to poor people, let him write off his time and services on his taxes.

5. Stronger Controls of Health Care Insurance Companies
-If a patient is get's sick, a health care company can't just cancel you. We need stronger and tighter controls here. If I pay for years of insurance, and I get sick, I don't want to be dumped for a "technical" glitch in my paper work.

Stock trading for only $4.95? Get out.

Ever wanted to trade stocks? Buy and sell on a daily basis and trade like there was no tomorrow? Well now you can. With TradeKing. Trade King gives you the option of buying and selling for only $4.95 per trade. Doesn't sound bad does it?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Marijuana soon to be legal?

Yup, it's very possible. The green plant that get's you high as a kite may soon be legal in the great state of California. Three new bills have been introduced that will legalize that use of marijuana for adults over the age of 21. How will it work with federal law? I have no idea, but I do know that the feds will have a field day with this situation. I can't wait to see the first supreme court case for a marijuana arrest by the DEA, once California makes this plant legal. It would be a battle for the ages. Wouldn't it?

I mean, so many other countries have decriminalized the use of small amounts of pot, and now California is following suit. (Am I even using that word in the right context? Eh who gives a damn.

What do you think on this case? Tell me below, write me some comments so I can read them and respond to them!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama wins the nobel peace prize.

Why? After less than 1 year in office, President Obama gets the peace prize? Why did he get it? Is there a reason for it? As far as I see, you have to actually do something that earns you the peace prize. Let's take a look at all that Obama has done to deserve the Peace Prize..... Ummm nope, I see nothing. Oh I see now, he got the prize because of his "visions" so what? Everyone is Miss America wishes peace on earth, yet none of them have so far received the Nobel peace prize.

Speaking of which, I got a lot of visions for world peace, yet I haven't been awarded the prize. In fact Obama promised the end of the war in Iraq, yet 9 months after his presidency we are seeing more and more soldiers being sent to the middle east. Give me a break people.

Who the fuck is part of this Nobel Peace Prize commission and who's sucking their dick?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Writing without typing. Is it possible?

Yup. You want to learn to type at 200 Words Per Minute (WPM)? The faster typist in the world probably can't go faster than 110 WPM and that is fucking fast. That's fucking fast right? Well how can I type faster that the devil himself? Well there is one answer to that. Dictation Software. I recently bought, installed and set up a program called Dragon Naturally Speaking V10. All I have to say is this program rocks! I can type at incredible speeds, with little errors to show for it. I have better accuracy with this program then anything else. Yup, I can type at 200 WPM without ever touching the keyboard.

This is great, I love Nuance! (They are the software company that made Dragon Naturally Speaking). I'm eagerly waiting for the iPhone version, and I hope it works just as well as the PC version.

P.S. I wrote this whole blog post using Dragon Naturally Speaking in less than 1 minute. And I'm sure many more blog posts from now on too.

P.P.S This blog post is... 186 words and I made 3 mistakes.